Emmet Walsh, and William Sanderson. This futuristic film tells the story of a group of renegade advanced design androids called'replicants' who, having discovered that their existences have built-in life-spans, seek out their creator, Dr. Tyrell, in an attempt to become reprogrammed for longer life.
All the while, they are being tracked down for destruction by a bounty hunter known as a'Blade Runner' (Ford) before they can do any serious damage. The film has gone through a number of revisions over the years and three feature film releases, including a'Director's Cut' in 1992 and a 25th anniversary release of a'Final Cut' remastered version in 2007. The film received two Oscar nominations in 1982 for Best Art Direction-Set Decoration and Best Effects, Visual Effects. It also received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Original Score - Motion Picture (Vangelis).